New for AMCP Nexus 2019 – Peer Connect! This program will feature 6-8 tables, each covering a very specific aspect on the Peer Connect topic. Each table will have a facilitator to lead the discussion, but all participants are asked to get involved in the discussions. There will be an opportunity for individuals to rotate through the tables during the program.
Peer Connect #1: Tricks to Being a Successful Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) Preceptor in Managed Care
Thursday, October 31, 2019
12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
The Exchange
Come join your fellow managed care APPE preceptors to exchange tips and ideas during this new networking program at Nexus 2019. This program will feature specific topics related to precepting student pharmacists during a managed care pharmacy rotation. Covered will be topics such as designing an APPE curriculum, preparing for a student pharmacist, student activities and projects, providing meaningful feedback, and best practices for teaching managed care basics.
The following topics will be covered during this Peer Connect session:
- Designing an APPE Curriculum in Managed Care
- Setting up an APPE Rotation/Preparing for a Student
- Characteristics of a Good Preceptor
- Assignments, Projects and Presentations in Managed Care Settings
- Maximizing the Student Experience
- APPE Student Evaluation/Providing Meaningful Feedback
- Best Practices for Teaching Managed Care Basics
- Characteristics of a Successful Rotation
Peer Connect #2: Engaging with AMCP
Thursday, October 31, 2019
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
The Exchange
Join us to learn more about how to engage with AMCP and make the most of your membership! This highly interactive, networking opportunity will cover topics such as volunteering opportunities, tips on submitting an educational session proposal or an article for the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP), and the path to AMCP leadership including the Board of Directors.
The following topics will be covered during this Peer Connect session:
- Get involved! Ways to volunteer with AMCP and the AMCP Affiliates
- Path to the AMCP Board of Directors
- Tips to Submitting an Education Session Proposal
- Tips to Submitting a JMCP Article or Abstract
- Developing Leaders, Enhancing Health with AMCP Foundation
- Biosimilars and Biologics Collective Intelligence Consortium (BBCIC)
For additional information and full facilitator information on Peer Connect, please visit the Education Session Guide.