AMCP’s Science & Innovation Theaters provide a structured focus for participants to gain information on specific products, therapeutic areas and/or disease states in presentations provided by company designated presenters. Theaters take place in The Exchange on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday, October 31st.
AMCP Science & Innovation Theaters with a PIE logo include preapproval information exchange information. Subject to federal laws and regulations, attendance at these sessions is restricted to payors, formulary committee, or other similar entity representatives with knowledge and expertise in the area of health care economic analysis, carrying out responsibilities for the selection of drugs for coverage or reimbursement. For more information, visit our website.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Thinking Glycemia and Beyond: The Importance of Managing Heart Failure Risks in Type 2 Diabetes
5:00-5:30pm / Theater #1, Hall AB
Provided by AstraZeneca
Description: This presentation will explore the importance of managing heart failure risk in adults with Type 2 Diabetes, and a review of recent clinical trial data will address the changing treatment paradigm for these patients.
Speaker: Pamala Kushner, MD, FAAFP, Kushner Wellness Center, Los Angeles, California
A Holistic Approach to Addressing Patient Needs in Migraine Prevention
5:00-5:30pm / Theater # 2, Hall AB
Provided by Alder BioPharmaceuticals
Description: Migraine is a complex, neurological disorder in which individual patients experience a wide range of pain severity, headache duration, and migraine-associated symptoms, which can often be debilitating. Patients require individualized treatment approaches due to the heterogeneous nature of migraine. This presentation will describe the strong patient doctor connection to make a timely diagnosis and determining the best course of treatment that can significantly improve the patients symptoms and overall well-being.
Speaker: Paul Winner, DO, FAAN, Premiere Research Institute, Palm Beach Headache Center, Palm Beach Neurology, PA
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Clinical Value and Economic Considerations of the First Gene Therapy Approved for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
12:00pm-12:30pm / Theater #1, Hall AB
Provided by AveXis
Description: This presentation will review the clinical data and economic considerations for the first FDA-approved gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). An overview of safety and efficacy data will be shared from the clinical trial program, including data on survival, pulmonary and nutritional support, as well as motor function and milestones. Economic considerations based on the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) evidence report will also be discussed.
Speakers: Lydia Shenouda, PharmD, Regional Medical Director, AveXis Medical Affairs
Ramesh Arjunji, PhD, Senior Director, AveXis Global Health Economics & Outcomes Research and Real-World Evidence
How Access Decisions are Increasingly Influenced by the Rapidly Evolving Policy Landscape
12:00pm-12:30pm / Theater #2, Hall AB
Provided by Amgen, Inc.
Description: As the US faces a growing aging population, the looming healthcare burden and associated costs can appear unsustainable. Worse, they can force untenable decisions between therapeutic effectiveness and cost effectiveness. As such, stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum are increasingly leveraging healthcare policy to inform access decisions for high-cost diseases. Supporting healthcare policies that increase patients’ access to earlier interventions of notably prevalent and high-cost diseases has the potential to dramatically reduce clinical, economical, and societal burdens. Demonstrated through a case study in osteoporosis, speakers will reveal how predictive cost modeling can be overlaid with reimbursement policies to determine when screenings and therapies can be most effective in achieving cost savings while also protecting patients’ health.
Speakers: Jeffrey Lemay, JD, Director, Innovation Policy Research Group, Amgen
Andrea Singer, MD, FACP, CCD, Chief of Women’s Primary Care and Director of Bone Densitometry in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MedStar Georgetown University Hospita
Expert Insights: Managing Cardiovascular Risk Based on a Landmark CV Outcomes Study
12:45pm-1:15pm / Theater #1, Hall AB
Provided by Amarin
Description: Despite the benefits of LDL-C lowering, many patients on statin therapy with elevated triglycerides remain at risk for cardiovascular (CV) disease. In the presentation, Expert Insights: Managing Cardiovascular Risk Based on the Landmark CV Outcomes Trial, the results from a CV outcomes trial will be reviewed. The trial compared the number of major adverse CV events in 8179 patients with statin-controlled LDL-C, elevated triglycerides, and other CV risk factors including established CVD and diabetes. Visit the Amarin booth 512 for more information.
Financial support for this program is provided by Amarin Pharma, Inc.
Speaker: Norman E. Lepor, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
A Biosimilar Oncology Therapy for Patients: Totality of Evidence
12:45pm-1:15pm / Theater #2, Hall AB
Provided by Amgen Inc.
Description: This theater will provide an overview of biosimilars and the first FDA-approved oncology therapeutic biosimilar. The program includes a conversation about the approved indications, important safety information, key findings from clinical trials and other important prescribing information.
Speaker: Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla, MD, MSEd, FACP, Vice Chairman, Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA); Medical Director of Research at CTCA Philadelphia
Gilead’s Commitment to Inflammation: A Different Approach
1:30pm-2:00pm / Theater #1, Hall AB
Provided by Gilead
Description: An overview of how Gilead is bringing innovative approaches to help people living with inflammatory diseases.
Speaker: Michele Puyear, PharmD, Senior Director, Medical Sciences, Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Defining Value for Formulary Decision-Makers in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
1:30pm-2:00pm / Theater #2, Hall AB
Provided by Lilly USA
Description: With the advent of new classes of therapies and the growing spending for RA,
population-based decision-makers are continually challenged with finding
approaches to control costs while improving patient outcomes. The economic
consequences resulting from an inadequate response to RA treatment are
substantial, leading up to approximately twice the total healthcare costs on average
than those who do achieve low disease activity.
Please join us for a presentation with leaders in the field to discuss the intersection
of clinical and economic value of an oral RA therapy and its potential impact on
managing your difficult-to-treat RA population.
Speaker: Brett Kelly, RPh, MS, Relevant Payer Experience: Navitus Health Solutions, Department of Defense Pharmacoeconomic Center, Kristi V. Mizelle, MD, MPH, FACR, Rheumatology, Relevant Experience: Tidewater Medical Center; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine