Download the App
• Search in your favorite app store for “AMCP Events” and then download to your device. Select “AMCP Nexus” from the events option.
• View the app online. You can view the schedule and posters online via the web planner. Be sure to login, that way when you mark your favorites or add items to your schedule, they will sync to the app on your phone!
Login to AMCP Annual
• There are a few features (attendee list and handouts) that are only viewable to attendees so be sure to login using your registration ID from your confirmation email (example – 3505) and your last name. You only need to login once. Note: This is a new app for Nexus 2019. If you have attended an AMCP meeting in the past, the old app will not work.
Sync App
• When updates have been made to the app a white sync badge will appear on the sync icon on the home screen. Click the white sync badge to sync your app and get the latest updates.
Searching the Schedule
• Schedule – searchable by day, tracks and much more! You can view the schedule in list format or click on the calendar icon in the upper right corner to view it as a chart. Click on the star to add items to “My Favorites” (heart shape icon).
• My Schedule – you can add your own meetings to this schedule by clicking on the “+” icon.
• What’s on Now – have some time and not sure what is going on at the moment. Save some time and click on the clock icon to see what events are happening now and upcoming.
Finding an Attendee
• Attendees – all attendees name and company are shown. If they have downloaded the app – you can request to be their friend to contact them directly. You can also request a meeting with them by clicking on the handshake icon.
• Note – if you don’t see the request a friend button it means they haven’t downloaded the app yet so try back later.
Finding a speaker
• Click on the speaker icon and search by name. You will be able to see the sessions and posters they are presenting.
• Handouts – these can be found with the item on the schedule. You can download them and take notes on them. All your downloads are saved in the “Downloads” icon as well.
• To receive notifications from the app with schedule reminders and updates, click on the “Settings” icon to ensure push notifications is on.
• Posters – this year AMCP is going green and not printing a poster abstract book – all the poster information can be found in the app. Be sure to star the ones you want to see and check the “My Favorites” icon to see them in one place.